South Beach Miami

Beach Volley in Lummus Park

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Why South Beach (Miami) to play Beach Volley?

Best time, season, weather to play beach volley in South Beach (Miami)

MONTHLY AVERAGE Air temperature, Sunny hours, Sea Temperature, Wind forecast Copacabana Rio

“In Lummus Park lot of people from all over the world to play at your skill level from the morning till the evening.”
Jean Beach Volley

FAQ Beach Volley in South Beach (Miami)

Not rocky at all. It is all soft sand. 

The best is to head to Lummus Park Beach to find nets.

Bar, restaurants, very active sea front. You will not be bored after your game

Map of South Beach (Miami) Beach Volley Courts

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1 thought on “South-Beach-Volleyball-Miami-Lummus”

  1. Hi! I live and play regular volleyball in Santa Monica California. I will be in South Beach from January 27-31. Wanting to play and wondering if there is open pickup games and what times of day best? Thanks!

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